
These guidelines are recommendations for authors of scholarly blogs to help with long-term archiving, discoverability, and citation of the blog content. They are modelled after the publication A Data Citation Roadmap for Scholarly Data Repositories (1), where many of the same guidelines apply, and where the first author is also involved in the Rogue Scholar. Background info about these guidelines is in a blog post (2).

These guidelines focus on the required or recommended work for scholarly blog authors. For scholarly blog archives additional guidelines are in development.

Level # Guideline
Required 1 The full-text content must be made available via public RSS feed (in RSS, Atom or JSON Feed format).
Required 2 Each blog post in the RSS feed must have a title, author(s), and publication date.
Required 3 Each blog post must have a URL that resolves to a public landing page specific for that blog post.
Required 4 The full-text content must be made available via a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.
Required 5 The blog must provide documentation about long-term archiving, discoverability, and citation.
Recommended 6 Each blog post in the RSS feed should have a persistent identifier, description, language, and last updated date.
Recommended 7 The landing page should include metadata required for citation, and ideally also metadata facilitating discovery, in human-readable and machine-readable format.
Recommended 8 The machine-readable metadata should use markup in JSON-LD format.
Recommended 9 Metadata should be made available via HTML meta tags to facilitate use by reference managers.
Recommended 10 Metadata should be made available for download in BibTeX and/or another standard bibliographic format.


  1. Fenner, M., Crosas, M., Grethe, J. S., Kennedy, D., Hermjakob, H., Rocca-Serra, P., Durand, G., Berjon, R., Karcher, S., Martone, M., & Clark, T. (2019). A data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories. Scientific Data, 6(1).
  2. Fenner, M. (2023). Guidelines for Scholarly Blogs. Front Matter.