DOI registration

All blog posts archived with Rogue Scholar have a DOI registered with Crossref or DataCite and relevant metadata. These DOIs are either registered by the blog, or by Rogue Scholar (the majority of blog posts).


For blogs where Rogue Scholar is doing the DOI registration, DOIs are automatically registered for each new blog post. Optionally, only blog posts with one or more specific tags/categories are registered.

The DOI string is randomly generated (format see below) either by Rogue Scholar at the moment of DOI registration, or by the partipating blog when the blog is published. In the latter case, the DOI string is included in the RSS feed as guid. Rogue Scholar then uses the guid together with the metadata in the RSS feed to register the DOI. For blogs where not very post should be archived with Rogue Scholar, blog authors can omit the DOI as guid for the respective post.


Rogue Scholar registers content with Crossref and uses multiple DOI prefixes for this. The standard prefix is 10.59350, but for blogs registered by Crossref member organizations, Rogue Scholar can also use other prefixes.

All Rogue Scholar DOIs use a standard format (Fenner, 2025): a random eight-letter string (generated from a random number with base32-encoding), followed by a two-digit checksum:

The DOI string can be generated by the commonmeta library that is available for the Go and Python languages. After installing commonmeta, use it as a command-line tool:

commonmeta encode 10.59350

To validate a Rogue Scholar DOI, use the decode command:

commonmeta decode

The command returns 227095303906, the random number used to generate the DOI. if the checksum (80 in this case) is wrong, an error is returned.


Fenner, M. (2025, January 16). Persistent identifiers, random strings, and checksums. Front Matter.